The Sims 2 is Broken
While undoubtedly one of the top simulation games of century, There are a few bugs that the developers never got time to fix. This Post is to more or less document base game or expansion pack features that were actually broken with official EA updates, and the fixes that can be applied by modders in the Sims community. Cyjon and Simler90 have made a ton of other fixes, but a lot of those could be considered a personal preference fix.
Please read each mod description carefully and pay attention to the install instructions and other needed mods or conflicts.
Actually Stomp the Roach: The code to make the stomp action kill roaches was already in the game, but disconnected. Cyjon re-connected the code and has made it available Here
Aging Baby to Toddler Fix:
"There is an issue in the game with the automated Help with Birthday code which prevents sims from aging babies to toddlers, especially if the baby happens to be in a crib, but it can happen in other situations, too. What happens usually is that both sims freeze for a bit during the Help with Birthday interaction, then the interaction drops and gets replaced with the Hold interaction. Sometimes it may take hours or even days for sims to properly age babies to toddlers, so it is a serious problem. This mod should fix this problem once and for all." This description is from Simler90's Mod at Mod the Sims. The other fixes in that post are useful as well, but optional, depending on your playstyle. you can get the fix Here
Auto Lights Fix:
I would like the lights to be on only while my sims are in the room, and off when they're not. There is code for this in the game but it's poorly implemented. Simler90 has made a mod for this, I believe it is the Advanced version and you can get it Here
Exercise Bike Fix:
Freetime gave us new exercise equipment, but didn't make it behave like the others. Sims will stop using the bike under the same conditions as they stop using other exercising machines. Originally, Sims don't care about their needs while using the bike and they can die due to that. Active sims will also get more fun, like they do with other exercise machines. Nopke on Mod the Sims has the fix Here.
Autonomous Reading:
Freetime is a culprit again, giving the game new book types, but didn't fix the autonomous actions that promote reading. Mrclops on Mod the Sims made a fix Here
Debug Mode Abduction:
When Freetime was released, it modified the telescope to add more search areas for science hobby sims. This feature unlocks bigger areas for the sim to search and each new area increases the chance of abduction. However, if you wanted to enable testing cheats and instantly have your sim abducted by using the DEBUG Abduction on the Telescope, your sim would start to gaze through and then reset their position in front of the object. Aaroneous from the Insiminator site fixed this interaction and it is in the forum downloads Here.
Dogs Pee on Shrubs:
"EA coded the pee on bush interaction to work for pets... and then forgot to enable it for pets." Gummilut on Mod the Sims has re-enabled it Here
Physiology Glitch
"When EA released AL, the skill physiology was broken and Sims who learned it gained body skill points instantly. They fixed this in the patch, but for some reason broke it again in M&G......This mod is extremely simple. It is a global hack that simply takes the code fixed in AL, and makes it override the broken code in M&G." fix by Gummilut on Mod the Sims Here
~Update 2/5/2023 Dog Pee on Shrubs and Physiology Glitch~
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